It's time that we Stand Together for Landlords

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NY Landlords

Helping you keep the lights on.

Our mission here at NY Landlords is to Unite all property owners and to create a community for small Landlords with free legal advice, building codes, reliable partners, and referral services.

Our group includes lawyers, investors, brokers, property managers, debt collectors, and many other professional services. United we all carry knowledge and the ability to help all of our members.

Across the New York state, a lot of small Landlords are currently struggling with bad tenants who are taking advantage of the pandemic situation to avoid paying rent. Because the lawmakers keep on extending this unfair blanket Eviction Moratorium, a lot of our members are now are on the brink of bankruptcy.

We are here to help them any way we can!

Update 9/16/21:

We are getting ready to start a new Lawsuit against the State for reimbursement of the rent arrears that are not covered by the ERAP program.

All of our members will have an option to opt-in.

Details for the qualifications will be posted soon.

Update 9/7/21:

Our lawsuit was dismissed due to a similar lawsuit filed in the federal court against CDC was already proved unconstitutional on 8/26/21.

Update 8/10/21:

We will be holding a rally on 8/20/21 at

633 3rd Ave New York, NY 10017, corner of 41st Street.

Over 1000 small landlords are expected to be there. Please join us in the protest against blanket moratorium that has forced a lot of small mom and pop landlords into debt and foreclosure. It's time to stand up for our rights and get our voices heard!

Our attorney James G. Mermigis will be holding a press conference at the rally. Join us!

Update 7/22/21

We have successfully filed the lawsuit in Chemung County and Hon. Judge Christopher Baker is assigned to our lawsuit. We will keep everyone updated via email and our Facebook group: NY Landlords

To read the filing petition please click here:


We have retained one of the best Class Action lawsuit attorneys for our members: James G. Mermigis, who has won numerous Class Action suits against the State.

If we win, this lawsuit will halt the current moratorium and any further extension.

The total cost for the lawsuit is $25,000.

Each participating landlord is asked to contribute $100.00 to get this underway as quickly as possible.

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Join our strong-founded Landlord Community!

2600+ members and growing!

NY Landlords

Monthly membership

  • Legal support in any landlord-tenant situation at any time
  • 1 Hour legal consultation with a landlord attorney every month
  • Assistance with 1 eviction form filled out by an attorney every month
  • Free and discounted legal forms filled out professionally by our legal team
  • Discounted rates on professional background checks and Legal Processor services
  • Unlimited access to a private and 100% secure landlord discussion platform
  • Unlimited access to a landlord cost savings wizard and marketplace with savings up to 70% off on a variety of selected professional services for landlords and small property owners
  • Every member is automatically enrolled into back rent collection services

NY Landlords

Annual Membership - 20% off

  • Legal support in any landlord-tenant situation at any time
  • 1 Hour legal consultation with a landlord attorney every month
  • Assistance with 1 eviction form filled out by an attorney every month
  • Free and discounted legal forms filled out professionally by our legal team
  • Discounted rates on professional background checks and Legal Processor services
  • Unlimited access to a private and 100% secure landlord discussion platform
  • Unlimited access to a landlord cost savings wizard and marketplace with savings up to 70% off on a variety of selected professional services for landlords and small property owners
  • Every member is automatically enrolled into back rent collection services

Class-Action Lawsuit Against The NYS Eviction Moratorium FAQ

Q: What is the goal for the class-action lawsuit?

A: The goal of this lawsuit is to immediately lift the NYS eviction moratorium.

Q: Why should I join the class-action lawsuit?

A: There are many reasons to join the class-action lawsuit. We could write an entire essay on it, but we’ll keep it brief. Your rights as a landlord have been violated: freedom of speech, right to due process, and your property rights. If we do nothing, we are only inviting more legislation to be put forward and passed that continues to hurt us. Have you seen any legislation be presented to the NYS Legislature that would benefit property owners, especially small landlords, in the last 5 years? we haven’t.

While we cannot predict the future, other states have extended their eviction moratorium past the NYS eviction moratorium. Their requirements, however, are different (not a blanket moratorium). We believe that August 31 for the current moratorium was deliberately chosen. When that date comes, they may extend the moratorium again, likely using that schools are now open as the excuse. Then the holidays and the winter... we cannot bear another extension of this blanket eviction moratorium.

Q: Why is there a fee to join the class-action lawsuit?

A: There is no financial compensation in this initial class-action lawsuit. In cases where damages are sought, the lawyer and their fees are typically paid using that money. This lawsuit aims to lift the eviction moratorium in NYS (declaratory relief), not seek damages. There are many fees associated with filing the class-action lawsuit: filing fees, court fees, process servers, motion fees, and of course - the lawyers fees. We do not know how much time this lawsuit will consume, but it can easily go over 100+ hours of work.

Q: Who is representing us?

A: We are being represented by James G. Mermigis, Esq, a lawyer who has a lot of experience suing NYS, specifically Governor Cuomo. Most notable, he represented the gyms, restaurants, and pool halls, and won. He is known as the ‘anti-shutdown lawyer’, and will be suing Governor Cuomo to lift the eviction moratorium.

Q: What premise do we have for suing Governor Cuomo over the eviction moratorium?

A: The eviction moratorium is unconstitutional. It has violated your freedom of speech, your property rights, and your right to due process. We are suing Governor Cuomo because class-actions sue a single party, in this instance Governor Cuomo, who is a member of the government making or passing unfair and unconstitutional laws against landlords like the eviction moratorium.

Q: What is the total cost of the class-action lawsuit?

A: The total cost of the lawsuit is estimated to be $30,000. If we do not use the full $30,000, that money will be refunded accordingly. There is a chance, however, that the cost can go higher, but we believe that this is unlikely to happen. It is estimated that the entire lawsuit should not cost more than $30,000. If this does happen, we will be seeking further funding.

Q: Will there be compensation awarded if we win this lawsuit?

No. This lawsuit’s goal is to end the moratorium. If we win the first suit, it will open the door to sue for compensation for money owed and damages in a second class-action suit, which will not require any money upfront, as the attorney typically gets paid from the compensation awarded.

Q: How long will the lawsuit take?

A: It is hard to say, but from the moment we file the lawsuit, we should be in court in 3-4 weeks. It is imperative that we file this month! The sooner, the better.

Q: When are fees due?

A: We are aiming to collect all the money by Friday, June 25th, 2021. However, the sooner we collect the funds, the sooner we will start the process!

Q: How much is it to join and how do I make a payment?

A: The fee to join for each individual/plaintiff is $100. We need approximately 312 people to meet our goal due to processing fees. Payment can be made on NYLandlords website on the membership page: If there is leftover or unused money, it will be refunded.

In addition, we have set up a GoFundMe for those who want to support but do not want to be named as a plaintiff in the lawsuit. The GoFundMe allows any amount of money to be contributed as support. We are unable to track personal information for some of these transactions, so we are using this GoFundMe strictly for donations to support the lawsuit. Individuals who want to be named in the class-action lawsuit must sign-up on the NYLandlords website. The GoFundMe link for those interested is here:

To join our Facebook Group please click below:

If you have any further questions, please email

@ Copyright 2021 - NYLandlords LLC | All rights reserved.